1. Stop with tiered payment around condom use or cum shots. These often push performers out of their comfort level in the opportunity of more money. Not all trans women can cum but many go off hormones to try to perform up to porn standards that inherently puts their physical and mental health at risk.
2. If you aren’t a trans woman don’t use terms like “Shemale, TS or Tranny” if you are trans more power to you to use any words you want.
3. Treat cis and trans women talent the same. Like most sites I have personally worked with have been really great experiences but this is for companies who may not have shot with trans women before. As the world are viewing trans women as women why shouldn’t porn be doing the same with treatment/casting.
4. Lets stop the random boner pills on set. Like I totally understand a lot of performers with penises use pills to perform but when its just the director handing you something then telling you to take something that’s not prescribed to you its really risky. As I experienced with an awful drug reaction after taking a on set pill then a recreational drug later in the day.
5. Stop portraying trans women as predators or the narrative of trans women having to seduce their partners. Society as a whole views us as predators which comes up in the trans use of bathrooms and if we can curve that idea in porn I believe it can only create positivity.
6. Stop the surprise scenes. Trans women sadly are getting killed in real life situations of their partner finding out about their trans status. I personally been kicked out of someone’s house at 3am for them finding out about my trans status this is like honestly really traumatic for a lot of trans women and if porn starts moving away from the surprise scenes it was be really refreshing to trans viewers and performers.
7. Shoot trans women in all kind of porn. If you think a trans performer would fit in your lesbian movie book her or any other genre. Like the best way to be a trans ally in this industry is trying to get trans women involved with something that isn’t overtly labeled as trans. When viewers see trans people aren’t something exotic or to be feared I believe that will affect not only how they sexually view trans women but also how they view them outside of sex.